How to repair a rusted chimney cap?

How to repair a rusted chimney cap?

⁢The chimneys on our homes serve‍ an ⁤essential purpose—ventilating​ smoke and‍ gases from fireplaces and furnaces.⁣ Over time, however, our trusty chimneys can fall victim to a ⁢relentless⁢ enemy: rust. If you’ve noticed ​signs of rust forming on your chimney⁢...
Does home warranty cover chimney repair?

Does home warranty cover chimney repair?

If you’re a​ homeowner, you know that unexpected expenses can⁤ often arise when ‌you least expect them. From a leaky roof ⁢to a malfunctioning HVAC system,‍ there ‍always seems to be something that‍ requires your⁣ attention ‍and ​your hard-earned money. But what...